
The Entire Chinese-Language Edition of The Disconnect Book is Now Free Online‏

Beginning today, I am offering the Chinese-language version of my book 矛盾重重:关于如何管理中美跨国高科技公司的思考 FREE online. I am doing this to make my book available for everyone who can read in Chinese, especially those in mainland China, where the print edition of the Chinese version is not yet available. Instead of putting a single PDF file online, I will serialize the book chapter by chapter, with one chapter per week.

The first chapter is already on this site. Here is the link:

If you are a professor or a teacher in a university or a school, or an executive or a manager in a China-U.S. company, please share this link with your students, colleagues and friends. Please read, share freely, discuss and if you find the book useful, let me know. Please contact me anytime! Thanks!