A Book About Managing the U.S., China Team DifferencesAbout the Book

New Project: Indian Literature in Translation

New project. Indian Literature in Translation. Visit, subscribe, and if you know a good translation of an Indian literary work, send me details, I will put it up. … [Read more]

Riffiti. A Mobile App. A New Way of Learning Anything.

Signup today for early 2015 release here - http://www.riffiti.com. After 20 years as a Silicon Valley professional, I no longer believe in learning from just one person. All of a sudden I want to hear how 5 or 10 or 100 people from a variety of … [Read more]

New Book

All Things Unforgiven, A Novel … [Read more]

A New 33-Video Lecture on Product Management

Have you ever thought of shifting your career to product management? If so, I just launched a 33-Video Lecture Course called, "Skillsets to Shift Your Career to Product Management," over at Udemy. Please follow the link below. This course will be … [Read more]

Does China Have the Best Digital Television Standard on the Planet?

An older article I wrote for IEEE Spectrum. http://spectrum.ieee.org/consumer-electronics/standards/does-china-have-the-best-digital-television-standard-on-the-planet?utm_source=internaltoggle&utm_medium=widget&utm_campaign=fromlegacy … [Read more]

The Entire Chinese-Language Edition of The Disconnect Book is Now Free Online‏

Beginning today, I am offering the Chinese-language version of my book 矛盾重重:关于如何管理中美跨国高科技公司的思考 FREE online. I am doing this to make my book available for everyone who can read in Chinese, especially those in mainland China, where the print edition of … [Read more]

Now Available on Japan iBookstore, Both Chinese and English Versions

The iBook is now live on Japan iBookstore, both English and Chinese language versions. … [Read more]

My Talk on March 4th at Hanhai Investment Company Campus

Please make it if you can. Hanhai Investment is on 97 East Brokaw Road in San Jose (Silicon Valley). The event starts at 6pm and runs for about an hour and a half. I'll try to keep the presentation to about 20 to 25 mins leaving plenty for Q & A. … [Read more]

China Law Blog Reviews This Book

Running A China Tech Office. It's Not About The Tech.  I am smiling at the title, clever Dan...:- ) On his last point about the editing of the book, I take his point. For some crazy reason I was trying to create the conversations where English is not … [Read more]

Five Broad Lessons-learned When You Manage a U.S.-China Chip Company, or My Discussion with EE Times’ Junko Yoshida

We had such an interesting discussion, covering surrounding topics centered on, what else, the U.S.-China chip company management. I am quite sure that my experience is just a sliver in a variety of differing experiences of those in similar position, … [Read more]